Speak Like A Pro.
Get Remembered Like A Legend.

Uncover Your Speaker Moxy

There are many different platforms to speak on and just as many ways to speak.

Uncover which is best for you.

Whether you are testing the speaking waters or ready to dive in, we've got you (un)covered.

Ignite Your Speaker Moxy

Anyone can speak.

But engaging an audience requires something more.

We show you how to ignite your unique

speaking style, presentation and personality.

Leverage Your Speaker Moxy

Getting an audience to run to the back of the room the moment you step off the stage is an art ... no matter what type of stage you use.

Discover how to make your presence unforgettable and your delivery so spot on that everybody wants to know you.

Get Seen. Get Heard. Get Known.

Get More Speaking Gigs = Speak More Often.

Knowing where to apply for more speaking opportunities is one thing.

Knowing what to do to to get selected for the speaking engagement is a totally different thing.

And while directories can help you uncover the list of places accepting Speaker Applications, that won't by itself get you selected.

Because no matter how much you know or the difference in someone's life you can make, if the person deciding who speaks and who doesn't can't find your voice in the materials you submit ... you're going nowhere.

Make sure you have the right outreach. Not just a Speaker One Sheet and Sizzle Reel, but a full suite of marketing materials that speaks for you.

And leverage the exact right parts of you and your story to get picked.

Command And Convert The Room.

Grab Your Audience's Attention and Hold It. Then Inspire Action.

Pro Speakers know that commanding a room is key to moving an audience.

That's true whether you're giving a keynote, a TED talk, a business presentation, or are selling from the stage.

But to really inspire action - the kind that can transform and convert - it takes more than projecting confidence, having high energy or being passionate.

And while the effective use of stories, appropriate unveiling of expertise, and analogies designed to connect all have their proper place in commanding the room, those strategies are the bare minimum rather than the top level of what's needed for next level speaking.

If you're ready to move your speaking off of speaking-as-usual and into the stratosphere, you need something more.

Raw emotion, stellar facts and and speaking shock-and-awe may turn some heads but it's no longer enough to get people up from their seats or signing up.

Discover the techniques to command attention, convert a room and leave your audience begging for more.

Become Unforgettable.

Don't Settle For Having Just An Impact When You Can Become Unforgettable.

Many professional speakers strive to create a deep connection with their audience that lasts long after their presentation is over.

And that's a great goal.

But if you have real Speaking chops, it sells you short.

Because being memorable isn't the same thing as being unforgettable.

Being unforgettable requires more than simply being inspiring and motivating. And it goes beyond motivating your audience to take action or make a change.

When you become unforgettable, you set yourself apart from other speakers.

You create a legacy strong enough to make a profound difference in people's lives.

And that's something worth doing.


You've got a story to share and a stage to speak it from - whether on a podcast, in a digital event, in an office meeting, in a TED talk or from a stage.

Let's uncover how to get you there more powerfully and profitably.

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